Kickoff your first review cycle in 15 minutes, it’s that easy
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Customizations that give you control
In just a couple of clicks, make important decisions for your review cycle such as assigning review admins, determining the ideal visibility settings for your entire organization, and choosing milestones to stay on track.

Choose a convenient review template or create your own
Measuring performance starts with asking the right questions during performance reviews. Equip your managers and employees with pre-built performance review templates or create your own based on your company's needs.

Decide on review inputs and assign cycle collaborators
Decide who should review your employees by choosing between four major types including Self, Manager, Peer, and Upward (or all four), and assign cycle collaborators to help you manage the performance review process from start to finish.

Automate your performance reviews
Find the right review workflow for your organization, save your settings, and let future review cycles run on their own, removing another administrative task from your to-do list.

Give ‘performance reviews’ a name that fits your company culture
Customize review names to fit directly into your existing company culture, driving adoption and minimizing confusion for employees.