Commons:Grafico di Hirtle

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Hirtle chart and the translation is 31% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Hirtle chart and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

Shortcut: COM:HIRTLE

Si tratta di una tabella di Commons che traduce i tag mediante un grafico creato da Peter B. Hirtle della Cornell University. Oggigiorno il grafico di Hirtle (dall'inglese Hirtle chart) è caricato in Commons come immagine del documento PDF. Negli Stati Uniti si è trattato del miglior sforzo per guidare persone nel poter stabilire i casi in cui i file multimediali rientrino nel pubblico dominio.


  • Usare a proprio rischio

Opere, tranne registrazioni sonore o architetture

Questo grafico è per immagini e testi. Vedi anche le sezioni separate per registrazioni sonore e opere architettoniche.

Opere mai pubblicate o registrate
Tipo di opera Fine del copyright Opere di pubblico domino negli USA al 1° gennaio 2024 Tag di licenza Commons
Opere inedite

Autore noto con una data nota di morte: 70 anni dopo la morte dell'autore.

Opere di un autore deceduto prima del 1954


opere anonime o pseudoanonime e lavori su commissione

Lavori non pubblicati quando la data di morte dell'autore non è nota

120 anni dalla creazione

Creato prima di 1904


Opere registrate o pubblicate originariamente negli Stati Uniti d'America
Data di pubblicazione Condizioni Fine del copyright Tag di licenza su Commons
Prima del 1929 Nessuno

None. In the public domain due to copyright expiration

dal 1929 fino al 1977 Pubblicato senza un avviso di copyright

None. In the public domain due to failure to comply with required formalities

{{PD-US-no notice}}
1978 fino al 28 febbraio 1989

Published without notice, and without subsequent registration within 5 years

None. In the public domain due to failure to comply with required formalities

1978 fino al 28 febbraio 1989

Published without notice, but with subsequent registration within 5 years

  • Known author with a known date of death: 70 years after the death of author.
  • Other works[1]: 95 years from publication OR 120 years from creation, whichever expires first


dal 1929 fino al 1963

Published with notice but copyright was not renewed

None. In the public domain due to copyright expiration

{{PD-US-not renewed}}
dal 1929 fino al 1963

Published with notice and the copyright was renewed

95 years after publication date

n/a (earliest 2025)

dal 1964 fino al 1977

95 years after publication date

n/a (earliest 2060)

dal 1978 fino al 28 febbraio 1989

Created after 1977 and published with notice

  • Known author with a known date of death: 70 years after the death of author
  • Other works[1]: 95 years from publication OR 120 years from creation, whichever expires first

n/a (earliest 2049), but after 2049 either:

dal 1978 fino al 28 febbraio 1989

Created before 1978 and first published with notice in the specified period

The greater of the term specified in the previous entry or 31 December 2047

n/a (earliest 2049), but after 2049 either:

dal 1 marzo 1989 fino al 2002 Creato dopo il 1977

Known author with a known date of death: 70 years after the death of author.

Other works[1]: 95 years from publication OR 120 years from creation, whichever expires first

n/a (earliest 2049), but after 2049 either:

dal 1 marzo 1989 fino al 2002

Created before 1978 and first published in this period

The greater of the term specified in the previous entry or 31 December 2047

n/a (earliest 2049), but after 2049 either:

2003 o posteriore Nessuno
  • Known author with a known date of death: 70 years after the death of author.
  • Other works[1]: 95 years from publication OR 120 years from creation, whichever expires first


In qualsiasi momento

Works prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government as part of that person's official duties.

None. In the public domain in the United States (17 U.S.C. § 105)

One of the copyright templates in Category:PD-USGov license tags

In qualsiasi momento

Works released into the public domain by the copyright holder.


Works First Published Outside the U.S. by citizens of foreign nations[2] or U.S. Citizens Living Abroad. On Commons these cases also need to be free according to copyright terms in the country of publication. These terms are not part of this table.
Date of Publication Conditions Copyright Term Commons copyright tag
Prima del 1929 Nessuno

In the public domain (But see first special case below)

Works Published Abroad Before 1978
dal 1929 fino al 1977

Published without compliance with US formalities, and in the public domain in its source country as of URAA date[3]

In the public domain

dal 1929 fino al 1977

Published in compliance with all US formalities (notice, and renewal for pre-1964 works)

95 years after publication date

(al più presto nel 2025)
dal 1929 fino al 1977

Solely published abroad, without compliance with US formalities or republication in the US, and not in the public domain in its home country as of URAA date[3]

95 years after publication date

(al più presto nel 2025)
dal 1929 fino al 1977

Published in the US less than 30 days after publication abroad

Use the US publication chart to determine duration

dal 1929 fino al 1977

Published in the US more than 30 days after publication abroad, without compliance with US formalities, and not in the public domain in its home country as of URAA date[3]

95 anni dopo la data di prima pubblicazione (al più presto nel 2025)
Works Published Abroad After 1 January 1978
dal 1 gennaio 1978 fino al 28 febbraio 1989

Published without copyright notice, and in the public domain in its source country as of URAA date[3]

In the public domain

dal 1 gennaio 1978 fino al 28 febbraio 1989

Use the US publication chart to determine duration

1° marzo 1989 o successivamente

Published without copyright notice, and in the public domain in its source country as of URAA date[3]

Use the US publication chart to determine duration

1 January 1978 or later

Published either with or without copyright notice, and not in the public domain in its home country as of URAA date[3]

Use the US publication chart to determine duration

Casi speciali

1 July 1909 through 1978

In Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands ONLY. Published in a language other than English, and without subsequent republication with a copyright notice

Treat as an unpublished work until such date as first US-compliant publication occurred

In qualsiasi momento

Created by a resident of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Marshall Islands, or Timor-Leste and published in one of these countries. Works from Palau, Somalia or South Sudan may also be included

Not protected by US copyright law until they become party to bilateral or international copyright agreements

{{Copyright notes}}
In qualsiasi momento

Works whose copyright was once owned or administered by the Alien Property Custodian, and whose copyright, if restored, would as of the URAA date[3], be owned by a government

Not protected by US copyright law

{{PD-US-alien property}}


If published in one of the following countries, the URAA date given above is replaced by the date of the country's membership in the Berne Convention or the World Trade Organization, whichever is earlier:

Afghanistan, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bhutan, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Cook Islands, Comoros, Equatorial Guinea, Grenada, Haiti, Jersey, Jordan, Kiribati, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Malaysia, Micronesia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nauru, Nepal, Niue, Oman, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Qatar, Samoa, San Marino, São Tomé and Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Solomon Islands, Sudan, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Yemen

... ...

Sound recordings

The following information applies only to the sound recording itself, and not to any copyrights in underlying compositions or texts.

Date of Fixation/Publication Conditions What was in the public domain in the U.S. as of 1 January 2024 Commons copyright tag
Unpublished Sound Recordings, Domestic and Foreign

Prior to 15 Feb. 1972


Subject to state common law protection. Enters the public domain on 15 Feb. 2067

(latest 15 Feb. 2067)

15 Feb. 1972 or later

Life of the author + 70 years. For anonymous and corporate works,[1] 120 years from the date of fixation

Nothing. The soonest anything enters the public domain is 15 Feb. 2067

(earliest 15 Feb. 2067)

Sound Recordings Published in the United States
Prima del 1924 Nessuno Nel pubblico dominio {{PD-US-record-expired}}
1924 to 1946 Nessuno 100 years from publication (earliest 2025)
1947 to 1956 Nessuno 110 years from publication (earliest 2058)

1957 to 14 Feb. 1972


Enters the public domain on 15 Feb. 2067

(earliest 15 Feb. 2067)

15 Feb. 1972 through 1977

Published without notice (i.e., year of publication, and name of copyright owner)

In the public domain

{{PD-US-no notice}}

15 Feb. 1972 through 1977

Published with notice

95 years from publication. 2068 at the earliest

(earliest 2068)

1978 through 28 February 1989

Published without notice, and without subsequent registration

Nel pubblico dominio {{PD-US-1978-89}}

1978 through 28 February 1989

Published with notice

70 years after death of author, or if work of corporate authorship, the shorter of 95 years from publication, or 120 years from creation. 2049 at the earliest

1 March 1989 or later


Known author with a known date of death: 70 years after the death of author.

Other works[1]: 95 years from publication OR 120 years from creation, whichever expires first 2049 at the earliest

(earliest 2049), after 2049

In qualsiasi momento

Sound recordings fixed by an officer or employee of the United States Government as part of that person's official duties.

None. In the public domain in the United States (17 U.S.C. § 105)

One of the copyright templates in Category:PD-USGov license tags

In qualsiasi momento

Works released into the public domain by the copyright holder.


Sound Recordings Published Outside the United States
Prior to 1924 Nessuno In the public domain {{PD-US-record-expired}}
1924 to 1946 Nessuno 100 years from publication (earliest 2025)
1947 to 1956 Nessuno 110 years from publication (earliest 2058)
1957 to 14 Feb. 1972 Nessuno Enters the public domain on 15 Feb. 2067 (earliest 15 Feb. 2067)

15 Feb. 1972 through 28 February 1989

In the public domain in its home country as of URAA date[3] or there was US publication within 30 days of the foreign publication (but see special cases)

Subject to state common law protection. Enters the public domain on 15 Feb. 2067

(latest 15 Feb. 2067)

15 Feb. 1972 through 1977

Not in the public domain in its home country as of URAA date[3]. At least one author of the work was not a US citizen or was living abroad, and there was no US publication within 30 days of the foreign publication (but see special cases)

95 years from date of publication. 2068 at the earliest

n/a (earliest 2068)

1978 through 28 February 1989

Not in the public domain in its home country as of URAA date[3]. At least one author of the work was not a US citizen or was living abroad, and there was no US publication within 30 days of the foreign publication (but see special cases)

  • Known author with a known date of death: 70 years after the death of author.
  • Other works[1]: 95 years from publication OR 120 years from creation, whichever expires first


    • (earliest 2074)
    • (earliest 2099)

1 March 1989 or later


Known author with a known date of death: 70 years after the death of author.

Other works[1]: 95 years from publication OR 120 years from creation, whichever expires first


    • (earliest 2085)
    • (earliest 2110)
Special Cases

Fixed at any time

Created by a resident of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Marshall Islands, or Timor-Leste and published in one of these countries. Works from Palau, Somalia or South Sudan may also be included

Not protected by US copyright law because they are not party to international copyright agreements

n/a, n/a, {{PD-Iran}}, {{PD-Iraq}}

Fixed prior to 1996

Works whose copyright was once owned or administered by the Alien Property Custodian, and whose copyright, if restored, would as of URAA date[3] be owned by a government

Not protected by US copyright law

{{PD-US-alien property}}

Fixed at any time

If fixed or solely published in one of the following countries, the URAA date given above is replaced by the date of the country's membership in the Berne Convention or the World Trade Organization, whichever is earlier:

Afghanistan, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bhutan, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Cook Islands, Comoros, Equatorial Guinea, Grenada, Haiti, Jersey, Jordan, Kiribati, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Malaysia, Micronesia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nauru, Nepal, Niue, Oman, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Qatar, Samoa, San Marino, São Tomé and Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Solomon Islands, Sudan, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Yemen

... ...

Architectural works

Architectural plans and drawings may also be protected as textual/graphics works

Date of Design Date of Construction Copyright Status Commons copyright tag

Prior to 1 Dec. 1990

Not constructed by 31 Dec. 2002

Protected only as plans or drawings


Prior to 1 Dec. 1990

Constructed by 1 Dec. 1990

Protected only as plans or drawings


Prior to 1 Dec. 1990

Constructed between 30 Nov. 1990 and 31 Dec. 2002

Building is protected for 70 years after death of author, or if work of corporate authorship, the shorter of 95 years from publication, or 120 years from creation


From 1 Dec. 1990


Building is protected for 70 years after death of author, or if work of corporate authorship, the shorter of 95 years from publication, or 120 years from creation




  1. a b c d e f g h Anonymous works, pseudonymous works, works made for hire, and works where the date of author's death is unknown
  2. US English term: Foreign nationals
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k 1 January 1996 for most countries; see w:Wikipedia:Non-U.S. copyrights for the most current list


  • © 2004–2024 Peter B. Hirtle. Last updated 31 January 2019. Use of this chart is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
  • Wiki adaptation by User:TheDJ. If you spot an error, please discuss on the Talk page.
  • This page does not constitute legal advice.

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