Leading with Heart: Gratitude and Centeredness in Leadership

SHRM and HRCI codes are shared at the end of the recording
The workforce values leaders that are authentic, consistent and steady. The demand for such leaders is amplified in challenging times, where economic downturns, competing pressures, and heightened stress levels can create a turbulent leadership environment.
In this webinar, Adam Weber (Author of Lead Like a Human & Chief Evangelist at 15Five) will walk you through practical ways to grow as an authentic leader and how to apply centeredness & gratitude practices to help you lead from a calm and steady place. Come ready to leave with a renewed sense of purpose that will empower you to be the authentic, consistent, and steady leader that your team and organization deserve.
Key Takeaways:
- Why authenticity of leadership matters to the workforce
- How to cultivate authentic leadership
- What centeredness is and what practices help you develop it
- Specific techniques for practices gratitude and integrating it into your leadership style