The HR Investment Inflection Point
Why Investing in Strategic HR in Times of Upheaval Creates a Sustainable, Strategic Advantage
During times of economic uncertainty or upheaval, spending on talent and HR is often first on the chopping block. In times like this, companies arrive at a crucial moment of reflection, where they must determine the best way to invest in strategic HR as part of a long-term business growth strategy.
This guide will illustrate how investing in strategic HR, rather than abandoning it, is the key to setting an organization up to not only survive times of uncertainty and upheaval, but build a foundation for continued growth and thriving.
What’s Inside:
- Different ways companies respond to a recession
- The hidden costs of downsizing, restructuring, and budget-cutting
- Why investing in strategic HR now is a good idea
- The role of strategic HR in a downturn
- Investing in tech to support strategic HR