HR Superstars Summit 2024: Innovate or Stagnate

How HR Can Lead in the Era of AI & Changing Expectations
Watch this years HR Superstars Summit on demand! A virtual half-day event brought to you by 15Five that is designed for strategic HR leaders to connect, learn and grow.
In the era of AI and rising expectations for HR, it’s time for HR leaders to reassess and redefine their strategies. This year’s summit theme “Innovate or Stagnate” challenges HR leaders to break free from old mindsets and practices that are keeping them stuck, and embrace new ways of thinking and new practices. This summit will dive deep into topics that will help HR leaders shape the future of HR, including how to integrate AI into the function, HR habits to break, and what practices to adopt to make the most impact.
This 3-hour event is packed full of insights and actionable advice from expert HR practitioners, and will include a keynote presentation, panel discussions, and more. Innovate with us or risk stagnation – the choice is yours!