ערשטע זײַט

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:אנדערע שפראכן

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‫בילד פֿון דער טאָג
‫בילד פֿון דער טאָג
Humoristic cartoon from Puck on the establishment of diplomatic relations between Greece and Persia. In 499 BC, the Persian Achaemenid Empire tried unsuccessfully to conquer various ancient Greek city-states. Finally in 449 BC a de facto peace was concluded and the Greco-Persian Wars effectively ended, but the two sides refused to have any relations. In 1902, Mozaffar ad-Din Shah of Persia and George I of Greece agreed to de jure recognition and after 2393 years established diplomatic relations.
+/− [yi], +/− [en]

Previous pictures of the Day can be found at its project page.

מעדיע פון ​​דעם טאָג
מעדיע פון ​​דעם טאָג
2012 New Year's Eve Fireworks time lapse in Sydney, Australia from Shark Island (Port Jackson)
+/− [yi], +/− [en]

Previous media of the Day can be found at its project page.

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